Kiwi Troubleshooting Session


If you've previously worked with us through the Kiwi Dream Team or Kiwi Snooze Packages and are now facing new sleep challenges, the Kiwi Troubleshooting Session offers targeted, expert support. This 45-minute phone call is designed to address ongoing sleep issues, answer your pressing questions, and fine-tune your approach for optimal results.

What’s Included:

  • Pre-Call Sleep Log Review: Before your consultation, you'll keep a detailed sleep log for 1 week. This log will provide valuable insights into your child's recent sleep patterns, helping us identify and address specific issues.

  • 45-Minute Phone Consultation: A focused 45-minute session to explore your current sleep challenges, review your child’s progress, and provide tailored advice to overcome any obstacles.

How It Works:

  • Book Your Session: We'll organise your consultation booking via email.

  • Prepare Your Sleep Log: Maintain a detailed sleep log for 1 week before your call. This log must be submitted 48 hours before your consultation to ensure we can address your specific concerns and refine our recommendations.

  • Phone Consultation: During the call, we’ll review your sleep log, discuss any new issues, and address your questions. You'll receive actionable advice to help resolve any remaining sleep challenges.

Who Is This For?

  • Past clients of the Kiwi Dream Team or Kiwi Snooze Packages who need additional support or have new sleep concerns.

  • Parents who have previously received a comprehensive sleep plan but are experiencing ongoing or new sleep issues.

  • Past volunteer clients

Ready to tackle those tricky sleep challenges with expert guidance?

Book your Kiwi Troubleshooting Session today and get back on track with confidence!

By purchasing this package, you agree to the terms and conditions of Counting Kiwis. For more information, please visit Counting Kiwis Terms and Conditions.