Kia Ora, I’m Emily

I’m a dedicated Mum, Secondary School Teacher, and Family Sleep and Wellness Coach. My journey into sleep coaching began with my own experiences as a mother of two wonderful boys, Arlo and Cooper. I understand the challenges of sleepless nights and how they can affect the entire family, especially your mental well-being.

My passion for sleep started with our eldest, Arlo. We reached out for support when we were struggling with constant contact naps, hands-on settling, multiple night wakings, inconsistent day naps, and a lack of routine. We felt as though we would be spending our days forever rocking and holding him to sleep. While there were moments of joy, the overall experience was exhausting and took a huge toll on my mental health. With the help of an amazing sleep consultant and some changes to his routine and sleep patterns, Arlo became an amazing sleeper. Experiencing these positive changes firsthand, and driven by my passion for education and helping others, I decided to certify as a sleep consultant when we had our second child, Cooper, and saw the launch of Beyond Sleep School.

Since then, I’ve had the honour of helping some beautiful families, with results that have been nothing short of amazing. By filling my own cup, I’m able to help you fill yours!

It's not selfish to crave time for yourself or to want a restful night's sleep. I believe that when I'm well-rested and take time for myself, I become a better mum in return.

At Counting Kiwis, I'm here to offer compassionate, non-judgmental support to help your family find the rest you deserve. My approach is rooted in understanding and tailored to meet your unique needs. Whether you're looking for personalised support or just some friendly advice, I’m committed to empowering you to confidently navigate your child's sleep with flexibility and understanding.

Let’s work together to find your rhythm and go on this journey together!